What are the benefits
The course is designed for the conduct of post-maintenance or significant repair technical flights.
The program meets requirements outlined in EASA Rules of Air Operations, Annex VIII (PART-SPO), Subpart E.

What to expect
Salient MCF training is currently available for all FBW types; other types may be available on request. The course is customer-oriented conducted under your AOC. If the MCF course is conduced outside of EU, local CAA requirements may apply. Salient can also provide subcontracted test pilots and designated TRIs to fulfill your MCF requirements. We understand the importance of constant practice for safe MCF operations.
- One-day Theoretical Training
- 4hr FFS session per pilot, and, if required, a flight on a customer aircraft.
Subject to customer requirements, this flight maybe a real MCF, or a flight for training purposes only.
We also offer the option of subcontracting test pilots and nominated TRIs to meet your MCF requirements. Our team is ready to fulfill all your MCF needs, recognizing the importance of regular practice for safe operations.

Who should attend
Experienced pilots with relevant aircraft type experience or company-appointed pilots designated for the MCF role.
Where is it delivered
Training can be organized in one of Salient contracted simulator centers, or in customer contracted/owned simulator center. The training can be arranged either at one of our contracted simulator centers or at your facility.
Workshops and training

- Training
Instructor coaching & standardisation (simulator)
The FSTD is a powerful way to experience the potential of EBT. Coaching sessions are aimed at lead instructors and those responsible for standardization.

- Course
Training Developer Course
Understand the paradigm shift that is EBT and CBTA, and acquire the skills to create relevant realistic programs to develop underlying competencies.

- Course
Safety Data Analysis Course
We train safety specialists to analyze all forms of data from operations and training, to provide results to support the development of EBT and CBTA programs.